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My Youth is Yours

photo by:  ccelestediaz For a while now, I've been obsessed with the fading of my youth. It's been a thorn in my side that has been a major cause of my sadness and grief these past few months and even years. Taking into account that I'm actually supposed to be at the peak of my youth since I'm 21, I have actually never felt older in my life. In my mere 21 years on this planet I have endured numerous traumatic experiences, without fail, every single year . Most people will meet me without knowing this and simply comment that I'm 'insanely mature for my age,' but I can guarantee that I wasn't born this way. Maturity only comes at the expense of your youth. I was forced to grow up at the age of 5 when my parents got divorced. Since then my fast-track to adulthood only accelerated at the speed of light. I only longed to please them and so I tried to be the best daughter, to not misbehave, and to remain quiet. And as the years went on, living li...

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